Nightshade Day

So today was proably one of the coldest day for the beginng of winter . . . . There was snow on my car this morning

Anyway, I had my infusion today and it went by so fast that I got done a little early than expected, but I guess that what happen when you’re focused on a HUGE English Paper!

So that what I did, but that wasn’t the highlight of my day, Book Author of Nightshade Andrea Cremer was making a appearance in St.Paul, MN and I thought PERFECT! An author event that I finally get to go too. So I checked out the bookstore “Addendum” that was hosting the event and told them I would be there!

THEY  had the orginal cover of Nightshade (Don’t worry Pictures will come) and after an hour I decided that I would purchase the first copy 🙂

She talks about her upcoming projects and if she has many projects in her head (yes she doest), She also talk briefly about her Adult Novel that will correlates with the Nightshade series. Oh did I mentiont there was red wine? although I’m not a fan of red wine but it was okay.

She then read a passage from Rift although I was hoping that she might have a few early copy of RISE but no  . . .

I love the experience I had talking to an real author although I speak to them virtually on Twitter, it was bittersweet to talk to them face to face.

I met Katherine and Marcus the people that hosted the event and they knew me right away which was funny and I was glad to meet them.

Then Andrea Cremer signed all my books I brought, I didn’t bring Bloodrose because I purchase it at B&N earlier previous year and it was a signed copy.

So here’s are some photos of the event

Infusion Blog #15

It was another Infusion day! BUT! it took longer than usual because of orders being expired so we had to wait for the new orders to be faxed then waiting impatiently for my stuff to come up. I was access for nearly 40 minutes before they finally got my stuff and started. So today I wasn’t done until sometimes after 2pm!  As much I needed a stress free environment I got half.

School is beyond stressed and I’m sooo sleep deprived, I can’t wait for this semester to be over and I will never return back to the university. Those people are nuts paying that much and taking USELESS classes because they want you to broaden your mind. YEAH RIGHT.  I’m on a different track now, and I’m going for something else and I’m still going to pursue a writing career (part-time until I think I need to switch to be a full-time writer).

I made Halloween cupcakes for the staff on the second floor because Halloween is coming up, and in return because of the wait for my IVIG they gave me two VIP tickets to a movie. So I will definitely put those to good use.

So I took some pics of my baking works, a meal that I had which was good. I did some school work today as well but I also took a nap because like I said I’ve been sleep deprived.

I will be doing a Halloween post on Wednesday, not sure what the post will consist of but there will be one and I’m WAAAY behind on posting some book reviews so please pardon me. If anything they will be posted by the end of the year after I’m done with school.

Infusion Blog #14

Well my first Infusion during the school year . . .

Let’s just say I was glad that it came but I’m sad that it went by quick after all the stress I’d been under

I worked on math mostly spending little time with writing like I intended to but I might write later on tonight after one part of my math is done

Attending an university level is much harder and more demanding than the tech but I’m glad that I’m changing course rather than suffer myself through it

My next infusion will be more crazy since I’m out of town the day before and possibly be missing classes two days.

I am not currently reading any books but I’m trying to still keep my reading challenge of this year 50 reads, I’m at 42 so I can still do it with 3 months left

One book t0-read is intertwined by gena showalter because it sounds interesting I still want to read Damned (Crusade #2) because I’d enjoy the first book and started the second one at the wrong time.

I dont know what would be next after that, I have a very short window of time reading/blogging review between school, bowling and writing,

Until next time . . .

Infusion Blog Lucky 13

Ok FYI, this isn’t my thirteenth time of doing my infusion in fact it more like thirteen years since I’ve been doing this. I have only started doing Infusion blogs for about a year and not even that, in November it will mark the one year anniversary of infusion blog.

With School literally around the corner, I have so many blog to write between now and Tuesdays because I’ve started one (Not complete yet) and I have to write a book blog because I just read the most AMAZING BOOK EVER! I’m currently on RIFT the prequel of Nightshadces series by Andrea Cremer. If I finish that book before Tuesday that is another book blog I have to do.

Rift was also being read today during my infusion, although right now it’s a bit confusing. Maybe it the timeline of where this book take place or how the dialogue is written.

I might blog about my first week back to school but let’s see my four days goes the next week. In other news I just won four books this week from Fiktshun 🙂 I have no idea when I’ll be able to read these book (during the gym maybe) but I can’t wait to read them! 🙂 I will be busy however this weekend celebrating my two youngest cousins one will be five and one will be two (Seriously KIDS grow up too fast!)

A little how my Infusion transfuse . . .

So it seems that today was a very unusual day because my tubing had a leak and leaked onto the side of my pants 😦  Note it was very rare for something like this to happen.

Now overall the infusion went well, I was shocked that my bottles arrive before I got access which made things go very smooth expect for the leaky leak and last bottle having air-in-line (GRR always happens)

Lunch was very YUMMY 🙂 the cake? not so much . . . but I couldn’t eat the whole cake at all with the sandwich I ate. So because I was bored I tried to watch Disney’s Peter Pan but I ended up just taking a picture of Nana resetting the blocks that george darling kept tripping over along with NANA (Poor Nana)

 I did do some work with my untitled work, I had this character that I had to debate how to create her and then I was going to do another that would come later in the untitled work but I forgot the baby book name (Knock head on wood) so I had a struggle with his name, middle and last name.

When I came home . . . a book called Don’t Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon arrived at my house, I won an Author are Rockstars Tour Events from The FABULOUS Fiktshun and it turns out that her giveaway of “Clearing the Pile” I also won three additional books all ARCs (first ARCs I will ever have)

Infusion Blog # 12

Today was another infusion day!

Started just slightly later than it has been but due to confusion and new nurse, I ended up getting a different nurse who knows how I roll 🙂

Plus I told my nurse that once you got me access, my stuff will arrive in 10 second at the door, and there you go! I was right just seconds after I was done being accessed my stuff was here!

I was considering doing a short video but I’m not that comfortable in front of video cameras and I kept getting interrupted. so maybe next time I’ll do it My bottles came with four 10 grams bottles and two 20 grams bottle this time around and the little ones kept giving me air-in-line.

I spend my time writing and plotting of my project only because it need to be more original, so I’m working on that plus I was trying to create the majority of bad guys and who runs the world (sort of)

Then I need a break so I work on the new book idea that will potentially become my next writing project, working on a time frame for the book that I think will be consist of three.

As far to this writing career, I’m still debating with myself on getting a publisher picking me up or self-publish and be potentially pick up by someone. I have just a little over a month to work on the book, but then I will be back in school and will only have time to write during my infusions.

Infusion Blog # 11

Well this is a late post, since it’s already Monday and I usually have this post written and posted at the end of the weekend.

This infusion went as smoothly as the last one did, I’m excited and hype up to be about the minor changes that was promised.

I was done just before 1pm and usually it just after 1pm but I guess because after I was access and then my stuff came up then we started right away.

I decide to wear purple as it is one of my favorite color, but also the past week been extremly hot so I didnt want to dress up too warm. Plus what better way than to rock purple in plaid and a feather clip on which I got many comments on 🙂

One thing about going to the hospital since I’ve started 13 plus years ago, it that you don’t have to be in a hospital gown . . . that is up to your comfort unless you were having surgery, then I can’t really speak for you there. But really, dress to your comfort

 Now I believe I did spend a little time writing and eating a huge salad while I was there. The hospital now has resturant-style services where you can call and order whatever you want unless you on a diet retrisction or the nurse will do it for you thus them becoming a part time waistress. The,n I also spent some time reading, and boy I have been reading. Right now as in Today I just finished This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers and I’ll be writing a review sometimes today or tomorrow.  I just posted Dark Eden Review on Goodread yesturday after taking a few days to wrap my head around that book. I’ll poste it on this blog also, AFTER I write a single chapter for my book.

I might have not express how much I love Storm-theme movies, not entiry the end of the world type movies but taking me to a movie that is diaster/weather theme/storm movies will make me happy. So what movie did I really watch? Twister (1996) Starring Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt. I do wish they make another movie like Twister and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in 3D or 4D whatever technology is doing with movies.


Well I’m off to write since I’ve already spent an hour writing this blog . . . Wish me luck!

Infusion Blog # 10

No wonder why today is going so great for me!

It’s the tenth infusion blog I’ve done, WOW I didn’t even think I done so many but I know I’ll have triple more by the time I’m 25.

So why is this day so great for me? Well One being that it’s Friday! Second its a World Record in my book . . .

Here how it went, I was access by 915, my bottles arrive at 915, then I was started at 935. Seriously this never happens before! So We’ll see what time I am done to determine just how fast today went.

I have some writing to do (maybe) but I’m currently tempted on books when I doing my Infusion . . . the books of the day are, 1. Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lunn Barnes, 2. Bridger by Megan Curd and 3. Traitor(bridger #2)  by Megan Curd.

As usual I write reviews, this time after asking an blogger why she takes notes. se said it so she can remember certain part of the movie and it help her write the review better. So I have green tabs growing out of Raised By Wolves, and I’ll see how taking notes will help my review.



I needed an opinion from my BFF on a section of the book, should I put it in or take it out? She said keep it, it sounds really cool. I had to tell her that I was going off of dangerous love situation and she loves that! So now I have to figure out how to gradually start it in Chapter Seven and have Chapter Eight be Explosive.

So for the Temptation book reads, is Megan  Curd’s second book in the Bridger series “Traitor”  I’ve been waiting to read this book and now I can read it 🙂 I’d probably read it at the GYM since I need to work out more. You can always use a good read while working on your body, you never know sometime the level of your excerise increase like when you listen to music and gets you hype up more during a long hour workout.  

Well that’s all for now, I’m also reading one of mom’s old romance book called The Pull of the Moon (9 months later)

Infusion Blog # 9

As I hope for smooth transition this week, after what happen last time . . . But NOOOO

My dear friend over at MidWest Immunology, accidently sent 160grams meaning 2 80 grams bottle shipment. I was orginally supposed to start my 80 grams infusion in three week marking June 1st as the beginning of my 4 week infusions. After having realizing the mistake, my doctor gave the go ahead to start 80 grams this week and begin my every 4 week infusions.

I was definitly bloated as results of getting all this immunglobulin pumped into me. So what I did today was writing my review on If I Die by Rachel Vincent, I also just relaxed before this big weeked I just had. My nurse Angela was awesome, we both joined forces dealing with the confusions and then getting the infusion started after everything was sorted. I also read The Last Echo because I was still currently reading it and finished it this weekend.

My friend Amy graduated in her program which was mine as well and the ceremony was longer than mine because there were more students, I also took pictures for her than having a professional asking 30 dollars for photos at the graduating ceremony.

Today I wore a off white sheer top, with brown tank (I was going to wear white but I decided at last minute to wear brown) then to add a little splash of color, I wore a blue feather and chains with red beading.

Infusion Blog #8

Well the start of the day of relaxing went into frustrating mode . . . It’s 10:00am and the IVIG still has not come up from the pharmacy. (I’m confused :/)

Finally a little after 10:30am, my IVIG came up and I found it odd that I just talk to my doctor about the time it takes for my stuff to come in my room. . .

So what did I do today during my infusion? I HAD to critique my group members from my speech class on their speech, that wasn’t too hard . . .

I had two book with me which is what I’m currently reading and I finished Desires of the Dead the next day. . . 

I was doing a lot of emails, and playing Yatzy

And I thought I took a good photo of myself with the pump in the background, the access being just visible and of course wearing blue.

Now you’re wondering why is there a map of Wisconsin, much less the counties of Wisconsin . . . it a new idea I have in my head but I still need to figure out what the idea will mean.

Now about yesterday I saw my doctor and my CSL Plasma staffs that works hard everyday to make sure their donors understand why they come in to donate. So when I told them that I would make a visit and despite the constructions going on, they were happy to see me and donors were enlighten to actually see a person who uses plasma. They were busy than the last time I was there.  

Infusion Blog # 7

Today I had the best nurse ever! Ingrid! I almost didn’t recognizes her because she cut her hair! (I would love to share a photo of me and her but I will attempt to do that when I visit the 2nd floor again for another IVIG)

My primary goal today at my infusion was to take as many “needed” pictures because I am writing my speech on  Patients with PIDD on IVIG. So look below to view the photos.

So You wonder what is all of this? This is some of the stuff I need to say healthy and how it is administered. The bottles are what I get every three weeks, I receive 3 20 grams bottles (those are the large one) and I get one 10 grams bottle(which is the midget). I get saline flush before and after my IVIG. The yellow syringe is the heparin is after I’m completely done with the IVIG, the heparin is what keeps my port clean and protected from getting blocked up.  The number on the bottle is the Lot Number which is something I have to put in the EhealthRecord to keep track of my IVIG.